Saturday, December 22, 2012

Will you let me testify?

In 2012:

  • I told the Lord I did NOT want to return to ministry with debt (a.k.a student loans) that had been recently acquired for PTA school.  I didn't have the ability to pay it off and I needed his help.  Three days before I left and with many miracles, my debt was zero.
  • I asked the Lord for a car while I was here.  He provided.
  • I really wanted to live with a Brazilian to continue with Portuguese.  I didn't ask just thought it.  One of my roommates was from Brazil.  
  • I told the Lord I did not want to reduce my giving to others now that I was again on "support from heaven" and not from a job.  Every month He has provided to give to others.
  • I told the Lord I wanted a Brita filter, found one free.  Told the Lord I wanted a special kind of double-walled cup that didn't condense everywhere--found one in the apartment cupboard.  Told the Lord I wanted a clip light for the bed so I could read at night.   Next night my roommate mentions she has one, would I like it.
  • I was convicted about some debts I needed to repay.  The Lord provided a means.
  • I have been trying for weeks to find a place off-campus and praying but nothing has happened.  I  did NOT EVER AGAIN want to move one more stinking time on campus.  Had a meltdown yesterday.  Told the Lord that "YOU are my Father and it is YOUR responsibility to take good care of me and I NEED A PLACE TO STAY OFF-CAMPUS and it's YOUR problem."  I felt the Lord kind of laugh (in a good, slightly annoying way).  In 24 hours someone texted me and said, "Do you want a place?"  Tomorrow I move.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Not A Proper Update

 I would like to send a proper update but it doesn't seem to be happening.  So here's a week in review:

1)  Last Saturday--Volcano Nat'l Park.   With students where caldera is 200 yards away.  The folks there are excited.  It is getting ready to blow another hole any day now.  Learned the city where I am living is THE most dangerous city in the world for volcanic eruption as the city is built on its hillside.  It erupts every 200 years.  The last eruption was 1801.  Do the math.   Then get 3/4 around the island with my students when the transmission goes out on car.  Stuck in small town at night with no mechanic within miles.  Japanese grandma feeds us yummy purple swee potatoes.  Then the tsunami siren sounds and we need to get outta there and the tow truck isn't arriving. We've waited 3 1/2 hours.  A friend makes the long, late night drive and we make the mad dash 2 hours back to town without car to try to beat the tsunami along the coastal road.  We arrived at the same minute the tusnami arrived.  Those sirens are scary.  Far worse than tornado sirens.   Tsunami is small. All is well.

2)  Sunday--Spent 4 hours on phone trying to secure a tow truck with a service that guarantees and says, "sorry we can't help you."  Meltdown.  God's grace.  Ask people on phone to forgive me.

3) Monday--Found out tow track was 1 mile away when we cancelled the call on Sunday.  Had to cancel it because we needed to get safety because the tsunami was to hit and I was responsible for students.  Didn't know it was only 1 mile away.   We are safe.  It's all good.

4)  Tuesday--Find out transmission is dead.  It had been replaced one year ago by former owner but it was a used transmission so there was no guarantee.  Bought the car two weeks ago.   Hello 2 legs.  Nice to meet you again.

5)  Wednesday--Hauled 4 tons of chairs, tents and tables and such up a hill in the middle of the Hawaiian wilderness for VIP's for them to envision a new film being developed by David Cunningham.  It's called Day of War.  It will be about David and his mightymen.  We were invited to come be extras and die in the battlefield.

6)  Thurs--Have opportunity to backstage manage for DC Talk and Audio Adrenaline singers.   See THE oldest copy of Psalm 3 and 5 in the world.  See a manuscript that was kept safe in a concentration camp in Germany.  See the first ever book.  See some other oldest copies of Scripture on the planet that were found in mummy masks as raw material.  Very cool.  God is so very faithful.

7)  Tonight--Meeting with Kony 2012 Invisible Children team as they again rally the troups with their new initiative to try to oust the LRA, the army in central Africa that has abducted 40,000 children as sex slaves and forced them as soldiers to kill their family.  Heard from one of the Ugandan's who lost her whole family of 9 to the war.  She lived because of the sacrifice of her sister.  Will the world move to act where it hasn't acted in the last 26 years?  Verdict still out.

So that was all during my "off hours."  During my "on" hours I'm spending about 10 hours a day with students and this course.  In the meantime I have the privelege of working with students from Ghana, China and the US on a major local event for the community.  It has been shocking the amount of spiritual battle in this but we are surfing the Lord's grace and favor.  Thank you for your prayers.  Your investment is not just in me but in the kingdom.  I can't say thank-you enough, but He sure can.

This scroll survived in a concentration camp.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Way We Ask Matters

As I've been in this season of economic repentance and reformation, one thing I am learning is to not ask the Lord for money for what I want/need/desire, but to ask him for that very thing itself.


"Lord, I'd like a water purifier as our water tastes funny." 
Answer:  My roommate found a water filter in a room where the people had left.

"Lord, I'd like to get a light by my bed so I can read."
Answer:  My roommate mentioned she had an extra light she wasn't using which I didn't know about.

"Lord, I'd like one of those double-walled cups so I don't have condensation run all over."
Answer:  After I prayed this, I mysteriously found one in the cupboard I hadn't seen before.

Granted, I don't believe the Lord is going to answer for my every want.  But He is a good God and at times He likes to spoil His children. 

Additionally, if I asked for money and felt like lack of money was the problem, I believe I would fall under the slavery of the spirit of mammon.  Money is not my provider.  Ever.  Only God is.  God may give me money to get what I desire, but it isn't my god.

If we ever say, "I don't have enough money to buy..." we're probably serving the god of mammon.  God is enough for all that we need.  In fact, it says

"He is able to make all grace abound to you so that in all things, at all times, having all that we need, you may abound in every good work" 2 Cor 10:6.

All that we ever need is in Him and anything less may just be idolatry.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Debt is Always Spiritual

I thought I was doing good.  That this was the part of life I handled somewhat Ok.   But it very quickly has become the chapter of life that I didn't know I needed to write.

Like I said, I thought I was doing pretty well.  I had seen members of my family suffer at the hands of debt's death grip so I didn't want to travel that road.  If I had a credit card purchase, I paid it off.  By the extraordinary grace of God and from some incredibly righteous gifts,  I was able to get through undergraduate and graduate school with no loans.   I couldn't exactly say I was ahead, but I would tell you I wasn't in debt.  Or so I thought.  And then it came.  Those words that have set in motion a rapidly unfolding journey:

"Debt is always spiritual."

It was the word of the Lord.  It's not about what you have on paper somewhere; Debt is a spiritual transaction between two entities.

"The borrower is slave to the lender." (Prov 22:7)

My mistake came because I had somewhat of a cleared debt on paper.  The bank was happy.  The student loan people were happy.  The credit card people were....well... not happy.  They don't like it when folks borrow from them and pay back right away.

But if debt is spiritual, then it means whenever I've told someone, "Hey, I'll pay you back for that" and I've forgotten, I'm still in debt.  I still owe.  And I'm still a slave to the lender.   Whether they remember or not.

So I'm repenting.  And repenting some more.  Because God is helping me remember.

Truth is sometimes painful, but it is also liberty.

Friday, September 21, 2012


The latest 40 challenge of no-complaining for 40 days has been post-poned.  I've been so occupied with the school development that it's not something I'm able to focus on.  I will start again later.  :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 1: The spirit

By 8:30 am I've had to switch the purple rubber band 3 times now.  What I've discovered is that while I do not always complain directly, there is a spirit of complaining behind my words and that qualifies for the switch.  For example, this morning episode:

"I have to get up earlier than all my roommates or I won't be able to get into the bathroom.   It is going to be worse when classes start because then we'll all get up at the same time.  Not only that but we may be getting 2 more roommates or moving all together.  I hope we don't move.  But it's all good because being packed out means growth is happening..."

I was stating facts.  It is true I need to get up very early and that it will be a challenge when classes start.  So much of our complaining is about "telling facts."  But behind these words were the spirit of complaining.  There goes the purple band.

Complaining is hard to define by words.  It is spirit primarily.

Second half of day was even worse.  Abstaining details that would lead to all out slander, I worked under a volunteer today and when she was not near, needless to say I had to move the purple bracelet countless times.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

40 Days: The Hardest Yet

I've been putting this off for awhile.  Oh, I've had my excuses.  Moving.  Setting up a new place.  Trying to put together a training program.  Anything to ward off what I know to be the next 40 day challenge.  Ward off because I know the extent of the problem.

Imagine:  40 days of no complaining about anything or anyone

Sound easy?  Try it for yourself. 

It begins with a purple wrist band.  They sell them at some church in Kansas where it was originally promoted (check out the Today show host trying to do this challenge).  I'm not going to use one of theirs.  Ironically (cough, sputter) I found a purple rubber band in my dresser.   Seriously?  Come on, who makes purple rubber bands?

So every time I hear myself complaining about something or someone, the band gets switched from one wrist to the other.  How many days is the goal? Well the original church challenge was for 21 days.  It just took an average of 3-7 months for people to string that together.  To be that intentional that long would be...well...long.  Is that a complaint?

My goal is to see if in 40 days I can string together at least 7 consecutive days without a complaint.  God help me.  And if you're anywhere near me, I invite you to help as well (in case I complain and don't realize it).  Even better yet, see if you can make it through one day of no complaining.  Surely there's got to be a purple rubber band in your drawer too...

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Speaking Heart

Fish and chips.  It sounded good.  It was expensive.  I ordered it.  I was content.  For about 3 seconds.

Enter friend who states she ordered Chinese.  Earlier I had thought to myself all I wanted was some meat and vegetables but I couldn't find any.  Now I had a plate full of fish and chips...well actually fish and salad.  I did try to get something to satiate my conscience.  But now I didn't didn't want that fish and chips.  I wanted Chinese!

It got worse.  I went with my fish and salad over to see the Chinese place.  An order would have been $4 less!  I could've kept $4 more dollars in my "restaurant budget" (yes, I'm in economic repentance in which I now use a budget).  A whole $4! I could about buy another meal for that!  Ok, maybe not here.  But somewhere!

This was a problem.  The fish and salad which looked good mere seconds ago was now despised.  I did eat it, but not with much pleasure.  I would have preferred the Chinese.  I wanted that meat and vegetables.

And there it was.  Discontent in all its ugliness.  Had I never heard or seen that there was Chinese food nearby, I would have taken great pleasure in the fish.  I might have even enjoyed it.  But discontent leaves an unpleasant taste in the mouth.  And all I saw now was a lot of grease on my plate and grease on my fingers and fat on my thighs and it all gives me something to complain about.  This is going downhill fast.  Where are the brakes?!

So where does this discontent come from?  When I have something to compare it to.  Comparison is at the root of discontent.  We are happy with what we have... until we see something more appealing.  Have a great spouse that you find pleasure in?  Meet someone who is attractive, godly, wonderful, kind, appreciative, respectful.  All of a sudden that spouse that was so wonderful now seems...less.   Even if the "other" isn't pursued.  And there are more things for comparison.   What about that job?  That ministry?  The house?  The car?   It all is something we can enjoy until we see someone in similar circumstances who has something a little better.  Comparison.  It is the death of our joy.

The remedy?  The speaking heart of gratitude.  The heart.  The place where we really think.  And the mouth that speaks, the agent that is a necessary for the thoughts of the heart to become reality.  Take a family I know.

They didn't like each other.  The husband didn't like the wife.  The wife didn't like the husband.  The kids didn't like each other.  They weren't too fond of their parents either.   It was a messy mess and with angry explosions they were about to face total collapse and become another statistic.  Another failure story. get the picture.

Enter a husband who said enough.  Each and every single night for months the family sat down to say 2 words of gratitude and appreciation to each other.  Silence abounded.  It almost couldn't be done.  Not because of rebelliousness, but because there were so very few sincere thoughts to say.  The heart had heavy shades.  But relentless pursuit of righteousness began a slow sunrise.  The heart began to think and it was good.  The mouth began to speak and it was better.  And the heart heard what the mouth said and more thoughts came which was the best yet.  But most importantly life returned.  Light returned.  And joy returned.  (If you need three "L's" just add "light-heartedness returned.").  It was glorious and triumphant victory.  Ongoing victory.  Victory that does not end.  As Jesus says,

"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light."

And there was light.

And it was the first day.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Confession is Good for the Soul

I have something to confess.  Last night I made a post asking to donate to a water project for my birthday.  I don't hesitate asking because I know how dire the need is.  And when I had my first person donate, it brought me to tears.  Still does.   But I have to confess something.  I gave way to fear. 

The reality is that I would like a goal of $5000 as that will fund the entire project.  But I gave way to fear and only put $1000.   I was too afraid no one would give and that the goal couldn't be met.  Furthermore I've struggled with this whole turning this particular number.  I don't know why.  Maybe it's because I'm so far from home, family and friends.  :(  I know it's not because I feel old or think this number is old.  I don't.  I really don't.  Although at times I had hoped/expected to be in a different place in life right now.  But at the same time I'm glad to be re-entering the waters of missions and am looking forward to what is ahead.  And my goodness, I'm in a tropical paradise!  So again, I don't know why it's bothering me but it is.  So the thought of going for $5000 is a risk to the heart.   And fear gave way.  So this morning I repented before the Lord and asked for permission for His grace.  I ask the same of you.

This week I heard the expression pertaining to Peter's walking on water that "I'd rather be a wet water walker than a dry boat talker."  That's exactly the way I feel.  So I'm going for it. If I don't get to the $5k, I'd rather say that I gave it a shot then played my heart safe.  But I need your help.  Will you email this link to 7 friends?  At this point I can't think of any other way.  Maybe through our connections we can together get this whole community in Africa clean water.   And I just love the thought that we get to see actual pictures of this project.  I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate 40 years of my life.

So here's the link:

So there's my heart laid out raw before you.

Love to you guys


Hello friends!

I'm about to turn a year older this year (Sept 28th) and hopefully I'm a little wiser. I wanted to do something different this year as it is a special birthday and I'm a long ways away from friends and family.

This year, I'm giving up my birthday for charity: water. With 800 million people on this planet that still don't have access to clean drinking water and often die young, I'd like to change that for one community.  Every single penny goes to drill a well, and when the project is complete (typically within 18 months), they'll send us a digital completion report with GPS coordinates and photos of the community we helped. (Just FYI--Charity Water was started by a man who served 2 years on a YWAM Mercy Ship).

Instead of giving me presents this year, would you please donate whatever you are able for my birthday, and help me bring clean water to a whole town in need? The place that funds will go to will be in the Rulindo district of Rwanda.  Also, would you be so kind as to let others know I'm legit?  (I have gray hairs to prove it.  Yikes!)  I've got a goal of $1000 and I need help meeting that goal.

Please go to my campaign to donate:

Thank you for your support!

Melissa :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Timing is Everything

When I was first asked to come to this ministry to do this project for a few months, my first reply was no.  I felt like my time there was done.  But the woman asking me asked me to pray again.  I took some time and prayed and again came back with a no answer.  Several months passed.  I received an email again asking me to reconsider.  This time as I was reading the email my heart did a 180 degree turn as I was reading this email.  I knew this only could have been from God.  And from a persistant woman praying for help!

But before I could totally answer in the affirmative I told her I had to check with my church leadership.  I had them pray.  I prayed.  I received a yes answer.  They received a no.  Hm.  What to do?  So a few months later I had them pray again.  I prayed again.  The woman on the other end waited for a firm commitment.  I received a stronger yes from the Lord.  My leadership received a stronger no from the Lord.    A third time I asked them to pray.  A third time I prayed.  I received an even stronger yes from the Lord.  They received a definitive no.  What to do?  Do you obey what you feel like the Lord is telling you to do and go against your leaders?  Or do you obey your leaders but go against what God is telling you?  What would you do?

Then about a week later it came to me out of the blue.  I bet it's a timing issue.  I bet that we are both hearing from the Lord correctly.  I approached my leadership and asked them to pray if it was timing.  We both prayed.  We both got a yes.  We both even got the same semester I was to staff.  It was a valuable lesson in hearing from the Lord in community.

I bought my plane ticket for a couple of months ahead of time to prepare for the school. As I prepared I had no peace again.  I was miserable.  I would stay up at night worrying about everything.  This went on for months.  I felt miserable leaving my job.  I felt no peace about anything.  It was terrible.  And then I wondered if it was timing.  I felt this was maybe the issue.  So I called up the airline company and changed my ticket to a month later but still enough time to prepare for the school.  Immediately after the peace came rushing back.  It was a timing issue.  For some reason I was to be there a month later than planned, no sooner.

Upon arrival I've wondered why.  Why this month and not last?  And this month and not next?  Perhaps this month verses the previous month is a little more clear.  Due to some work circumstances staying one more month financially allowed me to pay the remaining balance on my student loans, something I had prayed about before returning to full-time ministry.  But why not a month later?

Last night I think I got my answer.  I was at a financial seminar that was taught by a man of Issachar, one who "understands the times."  It was so very Scriptural, so very practical, and so potentially life-changing.  Had I come any later I might have missed it.  Had I come too near this I might have been so jet-lagged that I would've opted out.  And yet there I was receiving revelation from Scripture that is so Biblical yet I had never heard before.  Something that could alter my future and the future of my family.

And I have to fall to my knees and thank God.  Thankful that He is the Shepherd that is guiding us for our good.  He is the Shepherd that works with our human leaders for our good.   He is good.  And after the last few days, I am so very, very thankful.  Truly, HIS timing is everything.

Monday, August 20, 2012

On the Ship

When Jackie Pullinger felt the Lord call her, she didn't exactly know where to go or what to do.  She applied to several mission boards but they turned her down.  She was single, wasn't trained enough, etc.. etc...  Yet she still felt a strong calling to go.  But her largest problem was that she didn't know where to serve.

One day she consulted with a pastor.  When she confessed that the Lord laid it strong in her heart to step into missions but he hadn't given her the location, he advised her if God was telling her to go, she had better obey the Lord.  He instructed her to buy a ticket on a cargo ship that went the furthest distance away.  Every time that ship pulled into port, she should ask God is this is where she was to get off the ship.

Obedient to God's call, Jackie bought a ticket to China, the farthest place from England that the ships currently went.  Waving to her family was heartbreaking but she knew she was to obey the Lord's call.  With each stop at each port she would pray, but the Lord did not lead her to disembark.  Finally on the last stop in Hong Kong, the Lord said this was the place.  With very little money and through numerous miracles, Jackie Pullinger was able to enter the country and eventually start a ministry to drug addicts in the Walled City.  She continues her ministry to this day.  (Jacki Pullinger--Chasing the Dragon). 

Right now I feel a little bit of what Jackie Pullinger must have felt like on the ship.  I am currently in a beautiful place for ministry but I feel this is a bridge to something else, not the stopping off point.  I am just not sure what the stopping off point is yet.  For now I am on the ship and asking God about where to disembark.  In the meantime I have commitments here until the end of the year.  To not know what is after December is uncomfortable, but it does press me harder into the heart of God.  And in reality, that's a pretty good thing.

The view from "the Ship"

Friday, July 27, 2012


A couple of people today wished me well today as I'm returning to missions and told me that they hoped I found what I was looking for.  For some reason it didn't resonate, but then the truth break in with great light and joy.  I'm not going because I'm looking for something.  I go because I already found what I was looking for.  Him.   Such joy!

Soft Heart

I was talking to a police officer tonight and he had that syndrome that so many officers get--hardness of heart.  I thought it about.  Truly, the only way we can keep from hardening our hearts when we see so so much evil is trust the justice of God.  The cross was proof that He never compromised justice to become justifier.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

40 Days: In the Morning (Confessions of a Night Owl)

There are many verses that talk about rising early to pray, but the one I have always held onto is Psalm 119:62--"At midnight I rise to give you thanks..."

I've historically not been a morning person.  I pray throughout the day and usually at night, although I tend to cut my time short at night because of sleepiness.  So what would it be if for 40 days I rose in the morning to spend an hour "praying in the spirit on all occasions?"  Would morning make a difference?

The forty days are done and I have to say the first 20 days were some of the best.  It really did set the tone for the day.  My spirit felt full as if I'd had a big meal.  The second 20 days I began to falter.  I am moving a couple thousand miles away in a couple of weeks and my tiredness has increased.  My hour prayer time was reduced to being spread out throughout the day as I was just plain tired!  It didn't feel the same.  I still had my prayer time in, but something changed.

I still think we can be morning pray-er people or night ones.  David Wilkerson of Cross and the Switchblade prayed at night and out of it came his entire ministry.  But I think there is something special to the morning.  I just don't know how to overcome the extreme tiredness I feel.  Going to bed early isn't always easy because it doesn't mean you fall asleep right away.  But I want to continue working on this one because as much as I hate to admit it, I think the morning birds may be on to something. 


(The next 40 day experiment I think will be my hardest one yet.  Stay tuned.)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Do I trust God with who He made me to be?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

40 Days: The Morning

New International Version
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (1 Tim 4:8)

The above verse says it all.  Forty Days is about training for godliness.  I have taken on another 40 day challenge as of June 1st but it's not something that is blog worthy.  I will write more later on and even maybe at the end of the 40 days, but for now I will wait.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


It was one of those situations that we realized too late.  Communion was being served and we hadn’t adequately prepped our unchurched,  international guests.   The communion plate came around and our guests stared at the two circles of unleavened bread.  Bewildered but trying to honor us the best they could, they picked up the circles and took a big bite like you would out of  a sandwich.  My mother and I and those in the pew behind us looked on in shock realizing the situation.  Our guests, aware that something was wrong but not sure what looked around uncomfortable and embarrassed.     We motioned them to pass the plate with it’s half eaten communion to the next person.  Thankfully the communion cups were  a little bit more intuitive.  Our guests though were humiliated, we were mortified and the other church folk were trying hard not to notice. 
            Not knowing the protocol when going to a new church is not unique to an international or unchurched guest.  I decided to go on a journey of my own to see what it was like to go to a new congregation.  I had the advantage of being a fellow believer in Christ as well as one who has travelled to scores of churches around the world.  The difference was that I was going not knowing anybody who would introduce me or show me around.    What I discovered was that in more cases than not, I felt completely like our friends—lost, uncomfortable and not sure how church “worked.”
            The first church I attended was a church I had seen alongside the road.  Just the mere attempt to attend was a challenge.  As I drove by I caught the name of the church and thought it would be no problem to use the internet to discover their service times or at least phone number.  What I didn’t expect was that there was no website and no phone number.  I abandon phone books long ago.   So I got in my door and drove back to the church where at least they had their services times on the marquee. 
            Sunday came and I walked in the door and immediately didn’t know where to go.  I was in a foyer with hallways that led left and right.  After a brief few moments someone came along and pointed in the right direction.  So I sat down in a pew and waited for the service.  I was clearly a newcomer in this small congregation but I felt almost like a burden, like the others in the church didn’t know quite what to do with me.  Do they come greet me?  Do they stay away?  Am I a Christian?  Am I an unbeliever?  To their credit one woman turned around and said hello, had 5 seconds of conversation and then turned to talk to others.   No real conversation, just the obligatory politeness.  The preaching was great and the genuine love for the Lord was palpable among but I left the church not really having made much human contact. 
            Then came the church that was “prepared.”  They had their little baggie ready for the newcomer.  It had a small New Testament, a calendar, their church schedule and a pen.  I walked into the building and sat down.  As the song service began from behind my back an arm reached above me and thrust the baggie into my lap.  I was actually quite startled and turned around to see who the arm belonged to but the woman was already leaving.   The only other thing I remember about that service was that the aging pastor was clearly a battle-hardened yet ready soldier who would preach the love of Jesus until his dying breath.  But I couldn’t come to grips as I left that church only having encountered an arm that if I were unchurched, I probably would not return.
            After having several more uncomfortable experiences, church #6 finally felt like there was potential.  Oh it had a few mishaps.  When I pulled in the only thing obvious was the “Pastor Only” parking.  It took several minutes for me to realize that the parking for the rest of us was out back behind the building.  But these things are forgivable when overshadowed by a warm welcome by the greeter.   I enjoyed the worship and the message was pretty good.  On the way out the pastor greeted me but only had 3-4 seconds before the next person leaving wanted to talk.     But then I remembered they had invited the congregation to pizza afterwards at a local restaurant.  It felt awkward but I decided to join them.  When I entered the restaurant it was obvious where the church folk were so I sat down.  The woman beside me asked me a few questions and I told her I had served all over the world laboring for the gospel.  That’s nice.   Now on to the people she knew.  I tried several more times to initiate conversation and they were polite.   But they were more interested in the friends they hadn’t seen in the last week.  I just couldn’t break into the circle of conversation.  They clearly enjoyed each other but I was on the outside.  I was glad I went, but I was even more glad when I left. 
            I could go on about the church that had such indecipherable communion time where I had no idea how it was done with their kneeling at the altar, opening their mouth to the pastor and bowing here and there.  Or about the time I sat in a pew only to have an elder tell the congregation during the offering meditation how he was having a bad day, partly because someone (who I discovered was me) was sitting in his regular spot.   Or how during one church greeting time with people to my left, right, front and back not a single person said hello or shook my hand.  
But the long and short of it is that attending these various churches made me realize something that is very important to the heart of Jesus and that is the importance of hospitality.   When I show hospitality in my home I naturally try to make my guests feel comfortable.  I tell them where they can put their coat and where the bathroom is located.  When it is mealtime I give instructions if I’m having it family style or buffet style.   If we are grilling outside I show them the way to the back and tell them where they can leave their potato salad.  I want to put my guests at ease so we can enjoy each other.  This kind of hospitality is no less important in the church.  
Here are some ways learned that perhaps can help us facilitate a warm welcome:
1)   Assign someone to newcomer hospitality.  Many large churches have an organized tea and cookie time after services where newcomers can talk to an assigned person to obtain more information.  This is especially needed in the larger churches where newcomers can come and go unnoticed.    But the bulk of churches in America averages approximately two hundred.   Newcomers usually come in the single digits.  It’s very important for these congregations to have someone the greeter can transfer them to in order to show them around, point out the bathrooms, sit near them and let them know how things flow.  Communion and offering are especially important to give them guidance and expectations (i.e. participation is however you feel led of the lord).  Each church celebrates these so differently and as the “holy time,” it can quickly become the most uncomfortable time for visitors.
2)   Express genuine interest.  That means time and relationship and the place where Jesus teaches that happens most often is around the table.  Perhaps the church could offer to the congregation that if anyone takes a first-time guest out for a meal, the church would pay for the meal of these guests. 
3)   Have contact information available.  Surprisingly one of my biggest challenges merely finding out service times.   Churches that didn’t have websites often had answering machines that said hello and please leave a message but had no service times.  Even with some of the larger churches I had to physically go there to find out their service times.  At the very minimum there needs to be a sign in front of the building, an answering machine with service times with a contact phone number, and preferable a website. 
4)   Encourage your people to go.  One church I know of sent out some of their people and encouraged them to go to other churches to discover how they welcomed or didn’t welcome newcomers.   This wasn’t about church bashing but about discovery.  One couple came back and reported,  “it was one of the most terrible experiences we have ever had.”  We want to honor these churches who are in the same growth process as ourselves, but I can assure you that this couple now bends over backwards to make sure new guests at their congregation feel welcome.  Additionally, good experiences cause us to learn from each other.   We are all learning together.

Nothing can ever replace the power of friends showing people they’ve invited around and how our time together flows.   But if someone has just moved to our city and doesn’t know anybody yet, having thought out hospitality beforehand and communicating that to the congregation can be the difference between them finding a church home or not.   And one day we may just find ourselves in that same boat. 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

40 Day Summation: Healing the Sick

 1 Corinthians 9:25
"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever."


To say that this 40 days of praying for the sick/healing the sick did not look like what I expected is a bit of an understatement.  I truly thought finding sick people would be easier.  In the home stretch I think in some ways I stopped trying to find people and just started praying for sick I knew about.

Overall this has been a good training experience.  I was able to pray directly with 22 people and then for 18 other cities, nations, families, facebook requests and even for a cat.  Yes, a cat.  Gotta practice somewhere.

I do believe I've changed from this experience.  I am more keyed in on prayer requests now and don't take them as lightly.  If people are asking for prayer, let's pray for them right then and there.  I've also been challenged by what I believe about healing and my own heart's inhibitions.   I realized when I didn't see healing or find people to pray for  I slipped into casual, wishful thinking mode instead of contending intercession.  This issue needs addressing.  Lastly I feel like my eyes are more trained on seeing people's needs.  It's been good.  Really good. 

So the 40 days of "training for godliness" continues.  I have a whole host of 40 day challenges that I want to do and it seems like the Lord is leading me down a path of when to do these.  I do have another 40 day challenge I feel like I'm to do but I'm going to wait to start June 1st.  A little bit of a break isn't bad.  :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 40: Lost

A lost wallet.  That's what they said that ruined their vacation.  It was 3 adults, 4 teens and a toddler.  They were at the Wal-mart tonight panhandling trying to get enough gas money to get back to Ohio.  From the looks of it they were getting enough although the man thought he had far less.  I don't know.  It's not my business to know.  It's my business to love.  And love meant talking to them and not just giving them a drive-by offering out the window.  Love also meant giving--a Wal-mart gift card that they could use for gas, food, or whatever but not an illegal substance.  As I was leaving I remembered this was Day 40 so I took a moment to pray for them.  They really didn't need healing that I could see.  Just money on a sweaty hot day.  It might not have been a glorious end with a story of healing, but maybe it was a better ending for a family trying to get to the place called home.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 39: Family

Encouraged.  That's what it felt like when I read my friend's blog today  She almost died giving birth to her first.  She said this of her experience:

"One night, in the middle of the night I was awake—inevitably, since the blood pressure cuff squeezed my arm every 15 minutes.  I suddenly had this vision of angels over me in my hospital room and God saying to me, “You are going to be OK.  There are many people praying for you.” "

It's hard for met to reconcile in this experiment that prayers can be effective through the laying on of hands as well as praying for them long-distance.  I think of some of the people I've prayed for on the list and they have gotten better.  Would they have improved without people praying?  We'll never know.  But posts like the one above encourage me.

So tonight I will spend praying for my family.  I don't do this often enough.  They really and truly need prayers, and healing in different ways that they may or may not see.  And perhaps they too will be  touched by the Lord as did my friend Suzanne.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 38: Justice

Tonight I was meditating on Luke 18 and the woman who pesters the judge until she gets justice.  How much more God will give justice when asked than that of the unjust judge.  But perseverance is prerequisite.   So while this post is short, tonight I pray for healing of those mothers who have aborted their children.  May their own hearts live again.

PS--40 Day Summation coming soon.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 37: Facebook

If you are on Facebook and you have someone who is close to you in critical need, unabashedly you ask for  prayer.  And you hope some take it seriously.  One this this experiment has taught me is to do just that.  So today I read of someone who really is having congestive heart failure.  I can't lay hands on them, but I can lay my heart and words upon them.

What We Believe

If we knew outright what Hitler was doing during the Holocaust, would we vote for him?  Would other things he believed in outweigh what was happening during the Holocaust?

When Hitler wanted to kill Jews, he labelled them sub-human.  When the white folk wanted to abuse and oppress the blacks, they were "monkeys" and not really human.  When modern folk don't want to be inconvenienced, they label the baby a "fetus" and not "viable" tissue, whatever that is supposed to mean.

We often really don't believe that the life in the womb is indeed life.  If we did, we would see abortion as a holocaust...and take action accordingly (although many do).

This picture is so true, as well as the documentary beneath.  Definitely food for thought. for action:


Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 36: Healing for the City

This is the water tower where I live:

It kind of looks like a space ship up close.  Having just visited Joplin one of my thoughts is that it would make a great tornado shelter--the cement is two feet thick all the way around.

Having been inspired to pray for the healing of Joplin, I decided to pray for the city where I live (as I couldn't find any of the walking wounded to pray for directly).  This city desperately needs Jesus.  There's more crime per capita than the national average.  I'm almost numb to the fact when I hear of another shooting or another robbery, mainly I think because they haven't happened to me (I pray). 

May God heal this city.  It's wound is gaping and it needs the healing.  So I place my feet on it and ask for it.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 35: Pray for your Enemies

If I say their names, you will immediately resonate with them as "enemies."  And if there is anybody who needs Jesus, it is them.  They are famous for protesting at funerals, against homosexuals, and against, well...anything.  They love the media attention.  I won't even mention their names here so web crawlers don't pick up any unjust press.  They are truly difficult to even think about loving, nonetheless praying for them (they plan to protest at Joplin tomorrow which is hard to think about).  But even they are precious to Jesus.  In fact, they are some of the most lost people I've ever known.

So tonight my mom requested we pray for them.  Has there ever been a more fitting way to obey this Scripture above?  We prayed for their lives, their repentance, their salvation.  Can there be any greater healing than that?  If they were to die today, I am no righteous judge but I at present do not anticipate seeing them as neighbors in heaven.  This has to break the heart of God as Father, yet their actions must anger him as Judge.  What if this man were your son?  Seriously, what if this grown man were your precious, yet seriously lost son?

"Pray for your enemies," says Jesus.

So God, I pray that you heal their minds and hearts.  It happened with the child-murderer Manasseh that he changed and that surely seemed impossible (2 Chr 33).  If he can repent, cannot this family? 

Day 34: Joplin will Sing Again!

The Scripture talks about the laying on hands of healing, but how about the laying on of feet?  I went to Joplin, MO to visit friends and decided that I would pray for the healing of the city.   And somehow praying onsite for insight felt very much like the laying on of hands.  And I can assure you this city still needs healing on this one year anniversary of the tornado.  The pain is still raw.

What I didn't know is that God would connect my mom and I with others to pray for Joplin.  We were sitting at Cunningham Park which has been redone.  It is ironically a beautiful place right next to the devastated hospital.  It was weird to sit in beauty and look at destruction, to feel peace and look at despair.

As we were sitting there the most lovely couple approached us and began to talk.  It quickly became apparent that they too were lovers of Jesus.   He was a "musicianary" who will be singing at Tuesday's memorial event.  Unfortunately we weren't going to be able to be there as my mom and I had jobs to return to.  But his wife (bless her) asked her husband to go get his guitar and sing for us.  How beautiful it was to hear this man's voice singing healing over Joplin.  His song has become well-known in the Joplin area and is entitled "Sing Again," written specifically for Joplin.  There we were on a beautiful Saturday evening getting a private concert from this precious brother and sister in Christ.

After he sang a few songs for us we gathered together to pray healing for the city and for blessing over each other.  It just reminded me that heaven on earth is the bride of Christ, and oh how beautiful she really is! 

I would like you to take a minute and join me in praying over Joplin that she would sing again, just like Mark's song that he sung to us that night (and by the way, please check out his website Mark LaPrele and get some of his music!). 

"Sing Again" by Mark LaPerle whom we met in Cunningham park.

 St. John's hospital one year later.

"The Miracle of the Human Spirit" dedicated to the volunteers of Joplin.

"He will be the stability of your times."  (Isaiah 33:6)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 33: How big is my faith?

Tonight I went out to eat with a friend in a wheelchair (and her little doggie too!).   I have prayed often for her healing as she so longs to be healed.  It truly will take a miracle of God.  I've prayed for her to be restored, but tonight I decided to pray for her thumb.  Maybe start small and see things healed slowly.  No instant miracle tonight but I do hope her thumb comes out of its curled position.  It did make me wonder though about the size of my faith.  I'm afraid it's not very big.  Thankfully Jesus takes mustard seeds.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 32: Real Joking

Someone had knee pain today and I said jokingly, "be healed in Jesus name" as the situation may not have been appropriate at that time.  It made me think, when we joke with that, does it still matter in the heavens?  I pray silently for her regardless.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 31: Who?

Again I came up empty.  But tonight I will pray for healing of the little girl's heart that I mentioned previously.  May her heart not be empty like that of her father's.

Every Day Heroes

As I was out picking up beer cans for Bibles, I witnessed an everyday hero.  As I was walking down the alley way an older man was walking with a 6 or 7 year old little girl.  He took her to where her father was at the car and that's when I noticed them because the father of the girl was yelling at her.  The man explained to the father that she was lost quite a ways from home, scared and crying.  The father did not hug her, welcome his lost girl home (it was early evening) but shouted that she was grounded for 3 days.  The man who brought her turned and walked away, saddened by what the little girl was returning to.  Perhaps it was this kind of environment that made her want to wander away.  But as I looked at the man who had brought this little girl home, I began to think that I had just witnessed an every day kind of hero.   Sir, the father may not have thanked you, but there is a Father who will.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 30: Different and Harder

This 40 day challenged has looked different and been harder than I ever thought.  I had pictured it would be easier to find 40 days of sick folks.  To be honest I''m not discouraged yet I'm losing hope and motivation in finding people.   I'm also losing radar eyes.  I wish I could have more exciting stories to tell here.  I can only say that I continue to pray for healing everyday for someone or something.  Like today, praying for healing of this nation.  A shift is taking place and it's unsettling.  I pray God would save us.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 29: Healing of Homes

Home is one of the most important thing to receive healing right now.   And one of my friends has suffered a terrible blow in their home.  I pray for healing.  I can't reach through the internet, but I can reach through the heavens and pray for healing.  Let there be healing in this home.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 28: The Woman Bent Over

I was reading the Scripture the other day of the woman bent over:

"On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God." (Lk 13:10-16).

When I read this Scripture I immediately thought of a woman I know.  She too is "bent over."  There are medical reasons for her bent over situation, but she needs prayer.  If she were healed it would be a great relief to her and visible to everyone else.  So I gathered the church kids around her and led them in a prayer.  We're still awaiting healing.

One thing I'm discovering through this process is the shallowness of my faith.  The more I go on, the more I doubt that God will heal.  I know.  I've only probably had 18-20 actual people in this experiment that I've prayed for, but I'm starting to get casual about it.  I'm thinking if it took some other folks upwards of 700-800 people before they saw healing, do I actually think I'm going to start seeing at 20 or so?  My mind says no.  But why not?  Is God limited by numbers?  Are numbers the source of healing or God?  How little is my faith.  The problem is it creates a casual attitude instead of a contending one. 

Day 27: Healing of the Heart

For Day 27 I didn't find anybody so I prayed for someone I knew who needs deep healing of the heart.  The spirit of rejection is so strong from wounds that continue to happen.  Healing of the heart in this scenario would be far greater than any physical miracle.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 26: Out of Mind

It's a lot easier to remember who you've prayed for when they are in the flesh in front of you, but yesterday I prayed for healing for something and I can't remember.  I'm still in the dry spell of finding people.  I'm continuing to read healing in Scripture that I've forgotten about or haven't read in awhile.  I think my eyes are more attuned.  Maybe I will find someone tonight in flesh and blood.  That's the ideal anyway. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 25: Pray On

I've been hitting a dry spell of finding people to pray for.  I was going through people today earlier and realized I'd already prayed for a bunch of them.  Or maybe I'm not being bold enough.  Regardless, I was walking the neighborhood tonight picking up aluminum cans again and decided to pray for healing in the neighborhood.  I live in a quite ethnic part of town and it is quite a hodgepodge which I really love--Hispanics, African-Americans, Caucasians, the elderly and the young.  But I know that there is always a need to heal among the races and so that was my prayer tonight. May there be a healing of relationships past ethnic lines. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 24: Prayer Requests

On the days I don't find anyone to pray for it forces me to get creative.  I had just written a post called "harder than I thought" and now am erasing it.  Yes, it is harder than I think, but I have to get outside the box.  My box is something along the lines of 'laying my hands on the sick and praying for them.'  Ideally that's what I would like because then maybe I could see if they were healed or not.  But now it's late and my list has run dry.  But then I remember...

I remember on Facebook the prayer request for Stephen Hinkle, the grandson of someone I know who was in a car accident.  His life is hanging in the balance.  Do I need to be there in person to pray for healing?  Does God heal any less from a distance?  No.

Then I remember John Campbell, another person on Facebook whom a friend is asking for prayer.  He's got a head injury and his life is hanging in a critical balance.  Do I need to be there in person to pray?  Absolutely not.

When someone I know is sick or when I'm not doing well, do I need to hear their voice or feel their physical touch to be prayed for?  Absolutely not.  Healing is beyond this.  God is beyond this.  I don't know why that for this experiment I created a box.  But it's time the box gets smashed.

So tonight John and Stephen will get my prayer time.   May God heal and restore these young men.

Day 23: Healing of the Nations

I didn't seek out/find someone to pray for (I was so exhausted I'm not sure I wasn't getting sick).  But  I did take some time to pray for Algeria.  This nation in northern Africa has seen literal rivers of bloodshed.  If there's any nation that has needed healing it is Algeria.  I wasn't even connecting this to the 40 days, but I took time to pray for this country that God's healing would cleanse and redeem this country from the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been brutally lost in the most sickening of ways.  And prayer is the beginning of bringing healing to this nation.  God cares for the healing of the nations. After all, he is the healing Balm of Gilead.

Rev 22:  Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 22: Repeat

I know these have been short and sweet but I've been working and I'm tired and beat.  Anyway, someone I have prayed for previously still isn't better and so we went at it again.  Can there be too much prayer?

Day 21: Easy Sundays

Maybe it's because of the Sabbath but Sundays are easy--church seems to be full of sick folks and folks with pain.  But before I even asked around someone mentioned they had back pain.  Prayed for him and hope he gets better. 

Day 20: Myself?

Again I was at a loss of who to pray for when I thought, why not myself?  Earlier I had smashed my foot and had a large hematoma on top of my foot.  If God healed, I would certainly know it.  So I prayed.  Nothing happened.  So continued to pray again.  Still nothing.  Going to have to continue to work at this.  :)

Day 19: Unconventional

So tonight I had run out of folks so I did something unconventional, I prayed for the kitty!  He is a stray who has a heart condition that causes him difficulty in regulating his body temperature.  Why not?  Is he not too a living creature that God can touch?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 18: What does it look like?

I discovered someone who had feet and knee problems and as a group we prayed for her.  I was thinking during the time, what does it mean to "heal" someone vs. just pray for them?  Is it our sense of expectation?  Because so often we just pray and go on, not contending for healing.  What if we actually contended for it?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 17 Reflections

When I pray to God with my concerns which include health, I just have this assumption and expectation that He will hear me and take my needs seriously.  Why?  Because He is a good God, a loving God and a caring God.  When someone presents me with their needs, do I deserve to be any less like God?

Where the beer cans are

Tonight I was out again collecting beer cans for Bibles and I hit a good area.  Filled up a Wal-mart sack which isn't a whole lot but when you're used to finding 5-6, finding 30 or so is a good day.  But it was also kind of interesting.  Obviously where I was at was a rough part of town.  The ditches were filled with trash.  Strangely enough though there were more fast food sacks and containers than anything.  It was a voluminous amote!   It filled the ditches and bushes even in remote places.  It's almost if some closet bingers were finding some clandestine place to do the deed.  And when I think of it, what is more deadly?  The beer folks are drinking, or the fast food?  Let me give you a clue:  many people have experimented with McDonald's hamburgers to see how long it takes before they go bad.  After 12 years, the verdict is still out (click to read more).   Without question the quality of our food and our penchant for eating it causes more death in our country and around the world than almost anything else.  We're digging our graves with our teeth.  

Day 17: The Stomach Bug

I woke up this morning and prayed he would send someone to me today for prayer.  He did and I'm glad for that.  Someone who was feeling cruddy all over so I took a quick second to pray for him. 

I still sometimes wonder how 23 more days of sick people can still be found.  Thankfully the Lord has been bringing them to me or pointing them out.  Although I'm still trying to discern if it is the Lord, me, or just being open to people's needs.  Regardless, we'll see what the remaining 23 days holds!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 16: Healing takes different faces

Tonight I kind of had an inkling that I might pray for someone but in a different way.  I'm not sure if it was the Lord or not.  I wondered if it would just be a general prayer for sick people I read about.  Or something different.

Then I went on my walk again to continue to collect beer cans alongside the road and I was listening to a podcast on cultural differences.  It is by Sarah Lanier whose book and teaching I think is the best on understanding culture.  A little while later it made me think of one culture in particular that I've had a particular difficult time with.  I had a roommate from this country whose attitude and behavior was very offensive to me.  Then I went on a ministry trip with another woman from this same country and we clashed terribly the whole time.  It was this latter person I began to think about.

The reality is that I was a total jerk--arrogant, demanding, caring me for my own desire to be respected than to actually be the one who shows respect.  I was a big part of the problem.  And the cultures clashed too.  It was bad. 

I was thinking of her and also thinking of who to pray for when I thought that healing takes different forms.  In fact, I really believe a lot of sickness is rooted in anger and bitterness of heart.  I wondered if she still feels bitterness towards me?  For me I know that while I don't feel anger and bitterness, I still don't have kind thoughts towards this culture.  

So I began to search for her on the internet to see if I could communicate with her.  I found where she lives but there's no address (unless you want to pay a strong fee).  I found her page on Facebook but she doesn't seem to check it.  But for now that's what I decided to do.  I wrote her a note, explained what a jerk I was (not much needing to explain that but confession is good for the soul), and I asked her to forgive me.  I hope she does.  I hope she has healed from that time and season. 

Maybe I didn't pray for a physical ailment to be healed, but tonight I prayed for someone's spirit to mend.  I think this too is a part of the healing process.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 15: Guilty

Someone didn't come to church yesterday since she was hurting in her body so I gave her a call just now and prayed for her.  About halfway into talking to her a question came to my head.  If I weren't doing this 40 day challenge would I have called her?  The answer is no.  I would not.  I would have done well just to remember.  And why wouldn't I have called?  My heart is calloused to people's illnesses.  I don't want to invest the time.   I just don't care all that much.  Ouch.  Yet this is a woman who has helped me in projects more times than I can count.  She truly is a servant of servants.  Even as I write this I ask myself if this will change after I'm done with the 40 days?  Will I still call up sick people and pray?  Will I still take time to take seriously their needs?  Bottom line,  I know I am guilty but will I repent?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 14: Pain in the Back

I was at church this morning chatting with someone and she mentioned her back was really hurting.  Another easy day of praying.  So we gathered the church, laid hands on her and prayed for her recovery.  Once again, I'm getting more used to taking the needs of others more seriously and not just passing them over as casual conversation. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Not for today, that healing and those gifts of the spirit.

I was taught and many believe that the miraculous gifts such as healing have ended.  Those were gifts that were present at the birth of the church and may happen today in other places in the world where the church is being birthed, and especially so in the third world.  The Scripture used for this is found in 1 Cor 13:

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

This is the ONLY Scripture that is used to say the gifts have passed away.  One Scripture.  And it's understood as the key Scripture that is to say that these things have passed away.  

 I was taught this.  And I believed this.  Until I was healed.  Until I experienced the power of the Holy Spirit.  Until I studied the Scripture and decided to look at it not what I was taught, but what it said and what the verses in other Scriptures said (this serious study happened before I ever was healed and met the Holy Spirit).

So let's look at these verses:  Prophesies cease.  Tongues are stilled.  Knowledge passes away.  Childishness is put aside and maturity is all about love.

There are numerous interpretations of this text and you can easily study them online.  But the way I look at this verse is that when a prophecy is given, it will be fulfilled and be done.  A word was given many years ago that the International House of Prayer would meet in a massive convention center in Kansas City.  They received that word when they were small in number.  Twenty-five years later on New Year's Eve that are meeting in the KC convention center with tens of thousands praying in the New Year.  A prophetic word was given.  It was fulfilled.  It ceases.  Same with a tongue.  And a word of knowledge.  They all pass away because they are for a time and a moment.  Just as it came to pass that the Jews would return from captivity, that a virgin would be with child, that Jerusalem would be destroyed, etc...  They all passed away.  We are not still waiting for a virgin to be with child.  It is fulfilled and done.

So what about the childishness?  Well, there's not shortage of that.  When people have prophetic things spoken or they see God heal through them, childishness rears its ugly head.  People feel special or elite.  They begin to fight over things that are insignificant.  The hold on to prophecies in the most ridiculous ways.  It's ugly.  Paul clearly says that this is not of God.  LOVE is of God.  We put childish handling of the supernatural aside.  We treat it with maturity.

So why else do I think the gifts of the Spirit including healing are operating even today?
  • The context before and after this text is about "eagerly desiring spiritual gifts" which would make no sense if we believed the above verses were about the gifts passing away.  Seriously, if that was what he meant, chapters 12 and 14 would be useless.
  • Paul says to not "forbid the speaking in tongues."  This validates that the gifts of the spirit had gotten so out of hand (as we clearly read) that some wanted to do away with it all.  Paul says not to do away with it all, but administer order.
  • Jesus healed folks through God's power and he is our model in all things
  • The disciples when empowered by the Holy Spirit brought healing to people
  • The apostles even prayed for healings to happen to validate the message of the gospel (Acts 4:30)
  • This is the ONLY verse that people use to say the gifts and healings are gone and it doesn't make sense contextually.  
  • I experienced a healing in my own body that still stands today, and it did indeed rock my world.  I know myself and if 10 billion people told me otherwise, I know experimentally and measurably that I was healed instantly from something I had my entire life.
  • People around the world (including in the US) are experiencing a move of God in the miraculous
  • It is VERY condescending and paternalistic to say it happens on the mission field for those poor people and not in our own country.  God have mercy on us for thinking that.
The reason that so many are quick to do away with gifts and praying for healing is that sometimes we don't see it ourselves, especially with healing.  We pray for someone, they are not healed.  And there's this tension created from abusiveness that says to the sick person, "you don't have enough faith."  That's terrible.  That's not the way Jesus did things.  He healed people with great faith (centurion) all the way down to the person who had very little faith--  "Lord I do believe, help my unbelief."  Every person that Jesus prayed for was healed.  Every person.  It's more about the faith of the person praying than the one on the receiving end.  Jesus demonstrated this.

Secondly I think our biggest factor, and huge in so many ways is that discouragement often defines our theology.  This is so dangerous and yet so very much a part of what we believe at times.  If we are sick and are not getting healed, we get discouraged and to protect God's honor, we redefine what we believe.  This happens in areas beyond healing too but it's mostly seen with healing.  So how do we handle this discouragement?  We keep on believing.  We keep on trusting.  And we keep on praying for others.

I know one pastor friend of mine has a wife who has a horrific illness.  He's been deeply discouraged as intercessors around the world have prayed to no avail.  One night the Lord asked him, "Will you continue to preach that I heal people even if I never heal your wife?"  It was not a question he answered quickly nor took lightly.  He wrestled for quite some time before he came the place of "Yes, Lord."

Another person I have heard about is a person in California.  He is 90% deaf and has never been healed.  But when he prays for deaf people they are often healed.  He has not let offense and his own lack of healing stop him from believing the Scriptures and reaching out to others. 

Sometimes it is just about perseverance.  I have read that John Wimber prayed for around 800 people before he began to see healings take place.  There's a man not too far from here who said he prayed for around 700-800 before he began to see healings.  He even had several of those people he prayed for during that time die.  Yikes!  I heard a pastor from Canada who sees a lot of healings and he said it took 300 before he began to see changes.  So that's encouraging as well as raising the bar of perseverance.  Maybe the rest of us won't have to wait that long.  I don't fully understand it but maybe we learn something in the process of praying for the hundreds.

I also think that we need to have integrity with healing.  When Jesus healed someone, he told them to go the priests and get it checked out.  These were the modern day doctors.  And I believe that if this was the practice of Jesus, it should also be our practice.  If someone claims healing, tell them to go to the doctor to confirm it.  This is a witness to the doctor but it also validates what took place.

Ok, so that was a lot of thoughts.  This is an unplanned post.  But as I write these things knowing that many of my friends were brought up as I was so I thought it good to explain some things.

The line in the sand--John 10

Jesus was creating a big mess.  He was healing people, casting out demons and letting people know that he was the way to the Father.  His enemies and his opposition were divided.  Almost all of them wanted to hate him but some of his enemies took pause.  Why?  Because they couldn't refute the blind seeing.

19 The Jews who heard these words were again divided. 20 Many of them said, “He is demon-possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him?”
21 But others said, “These are not the sayings of a man possessed by a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?” 

The couldn't refute what they saw and it messed with them.  It divided them.  Because the healings validated his message.   And I think that is one of the main purposes of healing, not only to allow God to love on people but also to validate the message.  It sure challenged the thinking of the Jews.

Day 13: Two for One

Today I was out and about not really thinking of who I was going to pray for.  I was attending a His Word Proclaimed meeting with all the other churches in town.  Within 5 minutes of the meeting 2 people told me of their illnesses.  I didn't think anything of it.  My mind wasn't attuned.  Then a little bit later I realized those were my people!  So after the meeting we all gathered around them and prayed for them.  It's interesting how easily when people voice needs or concerns we just kind of let it go in one ear, make a few nice comments to them, then let it go out the other ear.   Yet it's so important to the person voicing the concern.  Their health and their life really matter.  One of the benefits of seeking out people to pray for is that I am more attuned to their needs (although not yet at all times as today proved).  But in general I'm not so casual about people's pain.  Perhaps God IS wanting to heal people more often but he wants to do it through His body.  Us.  But it takes us being as zeroed in on the needs of others as much as our own thoughts and concerns.  It's the loving of our neighbor as we also love ourselves.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 12: Hearing Ears

This morning, with yesterday a long ago forgotten memory, I just felt the Lord was going to have me pray for someone not on my phone list.  I didn't know who but I knew of someone in my sights that I'd been thinking on.   Sure enough when I talked her she was needing praying for some personal things going on as well as physical.  It was encouraging to know that I was indeed hearing the Lord today.  Now let's wait and see if she gets healed.  This is starting to get fun again.  :) 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 11: To Grow

Today I had a name in my mind of who to call when I got off work.  Another person to pray for.  I was able to reconnect with a friend which was nice but when I asked about her health she said she was doing great.  I did pray for here as she was getting ready to go on a road trip.   But as far as praying for someone who needed healing I got a miss on that one in trying to hear from the Lord.  But as always to try is to learn, to learn is to grow, and to grow is to eventually produce fruitfulness. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 10: Peaceful Leading

Last night when I went to bed I realized in just a short week's time the intensity of trying to find someone to pray for had overshadowed my focus of praying--to allow God to love on people through me.  Lost perspective is not a good thing, especially when you find yourself just checking off your sheet that you did something.  But today I was a lot more peaceful about things with the renewed perspective from Day 8 in that it is good to pray for those not only outside of your circle but also those on the inside.

Evening came and I was out walking (picking up cans for Bibles and getting some good exercise) and I still hadn't prayed for anyone.  But you know, I was Ok with that.  And when I began thinking about who to pray for a name came to mind immediately.  It is someone I know who has suffered from heart issues and sleepless nights for as long as I can remember.  So I called him on the phone and was able to pray for him.  I felt like my desire to allow the Lord to love others through me is starting to come back.   I really wanted him to have a peaceful night of rest and I really do hope the Lord touches him.  This feels so much better.   The way of love is the avenue of peace.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 9: Right Beside Me

So hello.  In the last week(s) a guy I know has been having knee pain.  I was just blinded to it earlier.  I did have the opportunity to pray for him so that was good.  It's taken the burden off trying to hit the streets to find someone and just be open to those around me, who I know and those I don't.  Good lesson.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 8: Revisited

So tonight was the first night I began to think to myself that this was losing something.   I was struggling with finding people and it was becoming an uncomfortable work.  Then it came to me, why do I feel like I only need to pray for strangers?  What about friends and co-workers and such?  Are they less worthy because they know the Lord or that I know them?  Not at all!  What am I thinking?!  Granted, my co-workers are few but I also have friends I can call.  And neighbors I can visit.  Certainly some of them have something I could pray for.  Most people have something amiss in their body.   I don't need for them to show some sign of lameness.  I can just ask.

My goal has been to practice obedience and to see God love on people through healing.  I don't want to rule out the stranger on the street and do want to be led of the Lord, but my focus has been too narrow.  Does not the Lord want to love on everyone?  It takes more of the pressure off and maybe I can get the fun back, because it would still be great fun if God healed somebody, Christian or not.  And I still believe He likes to love on people this way.  I feel like a burden has been removed.  What a learning process!  So good though.  So very good.  I'm learning a lot.