For about 5 years it seemed like the Word of the Lord to the body of Christ was to get out of debt. It seemed like every message was preached on this, multiple people were working towards this goal, and as God was speaking his people were responding.
But now I am sensing a new move of the body of Christ. It seems like everywhere I go people are talking about how the Lord is asking them to get healthy. It's a gentle word from the Father but one I think we all need to hear.
As some of you know my health was compromised at the beginning of this year and I'm still working to get out of it. But in some ways it is a good as I need to be more serious about my health. So this year I have spent untold hours researching. Not that it isn't rocket science but I needed to find something that was beneficial for where I was at. There are two things that I implemented that when I look back, that's when I can say I began to round a corner (passing second base right now).
The one thing that has made a big difference for me and my family is oddly enough, green smoothies. It was a pretty painful beginning as I spit out more than one smoothie. Also it was a discipline of will until I found out a way to make it palatable. But the final result has been improved stamina and the biggest difference for me, improved recovery. Before smoothies when I pushed it too hard for a day, my health problems would take me out for a week. It was annoying/frustrating/angering. But now a hard day doesn't take me out the next day. For my family it has been increased energy and stamina. Each person is being helped but in different ways.
Anyway the long and short of it is that mom kept asking me to write down what I was learning. In the end that began to look like an e-book.

So hopefully it can help others, maybe even you to get healthier. Sorry for the cheesy titles and subtitles but I want to help others and these are the only buzz words that sell. What you doesn't sell doesn't help people.
And if you want to help, right now this e-book is lost in the jungle. The only way it is ever found is if you have people review your book. If you are able to afford the $.99 book, I would so appreciate some reviews. And even some who take the challenge.
In the meantime, let's all work towards greater health. We will need our strength for whatever the Lord has for in the days to come.